Adelaide-based psychologist with extensive training and experience working with adult survivors of child abuse and neglect. I trust that with trauma focused treatment, using EMDR therapy in the context of structural dissociation theory, clients move towards better mental health (coherence, adaptation, flexibility), significant symptoms reduction as well as integrated personality.
Experiencing trauma repeatedly over a period of time or within specific settings and scenarios (what happened-Error of Commission) such as physical and sexual abuse in childhood can lead to adverse outcomes in adulthood. Emotional neglect (what did not happen, was supposed to happen-Error of Omission) also has the same impact on children, if not greater. Emotional Neglect has not been discussed and paid attention to as it should be; emotional neglect is a parent’s or primary caregiver's lack of adequate response to a child’s emotional needs. Here we would like to provide more information about various and different aspects, however interrelated factors, of childhood abuse and neglect such as attachment, emotional neglect, complex trauma and psychological treatment available for adults with history of childhood trauma.